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Terms of Service

Welcome to MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding.


We're thrilled to have you on board. Before we kick off our creative collaboration, let's lay down the guidelines that will ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial experience.


Design Ownership 

Design ownership becomes officially transferred to the client upon formal project approval. This approval signifies the client's acceptance and satisfaction with the delivered designs. Until such approval is obtained, any designs that are either incomplete or awaiting client approval remain under the ownership and copyright of MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding. This ensures that the client has the opportunity to review and provide input before taking full ownership of the finalized designs. The aim is to guarantee a collaborative and transparent process where client satisfaction takes precedence.


Protected and Trademarked Materials

At MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding, we hold a steadfast commitment to respecting intellectual property rights. Logos and branded materials that are protected or trademarked are off-limits for utilization or sale without the explicit and documented permission of the rightful owner. This principled approach ensures that we operate with the highest ethical standards, acknowledging and upholding the legal rights and ownership of intellectual property holders. Our dedication to this policy underscores our commitment to integrity and responsible business practices in all aspects of our creative endeavors.


Data Handling:

At MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding, we value and prioritize your privacy. Any information collected during our collaboration is treated with the utmost confidentiality and used exclusively for communication and file-keeping purposes. Rest assured that we do not participate in the selling or transferring of client information to third parties. This commitment is a cornerstone of our ethical business practices, ensuring that your trust in our services is met with the highest standards of data security and respect for your personal information. Your privacy is not just a priority; it's a fundamental aspect of our commitment to providing a secure and trustworthy collaboration environment.


Purchase Policy:

Once a project is marked as complete, all purchases are deemed final, non-refundable, and non-transferable. This policy is intentionally in place to safeguard the dedication and effort invested by our designers throughout the project lifecycle. It underscores our commitment to fair compensation for the creative work undertaken, ensuring that the artistic contributions of our team are duly acknowledged and valued. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in upholding the integrity of our collaborative process.


Payment Information

Prioritizing your security, we want to assure you that your payment information is not stored on file. Each transaction is handled with the utmost confidentiality, employing stringent security measures to create a robust and secure financial environment. This practice ensures that your sensitive payment details are treated with the highest level of care, minimizing risks and providing you with the peace of mind that your financial information is safeguarded throughout our collaboration. Your trust in our commitment to security is our top priority.


Communication Channels

Our communication channels are reserved exclusively for project-related discussions to ensure a streamlined and efficient collaboration process. Any form of solicitation or abuse of these channels is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy may result in the termination of services. This commitment to maintaining a professional and project-focused communication environment is integral to fostering a positive and productive collaboration experience for both parties involved. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines for effective and respectful communication.


Subscription Billing:

Subscriptions are billed on the date of signup, offering a transparent and straightforward billing process. Clients hold the right to cancel or pause their subscriptions at any time, providing flexibility to align with individual needs. It's important to note that, unfortunately, unused subscription days will not be refunded. This policy is established to maintain fairness and clarity in our subscription services, allowing clients the autonomy to manage their subscription plan according to their evolving requirements. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in navigating this subscription billing framework.


Project Timelines

Emphasizing the importance of clear communication, project timelines for completion will be clearly outlined at the commencement of each project. Our commitment to transparency ensures that you are informed of the expected milestones and deadlines from the outset. In the event of delays caused by unforeseen circumstances, rest assured that these will be communicated promptly. This proactive approach to managing project timelines reflects our dedication to keeping you well-informed and engaged throughout the creative process. We value your time and collaboration, and we aim to uphold the highest standards of communication to ensure a successful project outcome.

Revision Policy

At MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding, client satisfaction is paramount. To facilitate this, we provide a specified number of design revisions per project, typically set at four rounds. We believe this allows for a thorough review and refinement process. However, it's essential to note that any additional revisions beyond the agreed-upon limit may incur extra charges. This policy is designed to balance our commitment to meeting your expectations while ensuring the efficiency and progress of the creative process. We appreciate your collaboration in achieving optimal design outcomes.



Your projects are handled with the utmost confidentiality at MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding. To reinforce this commitment, we offer the option to arrange Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) upon request. These agreements provide an additional layer of protection for your intellectual property, ensuring that your creative endeavors and proprietary information are safeguarded with the highest level of legal and ethical consideration. Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary measures to protect your valuable assets throughout our collaborative journey.

Thank you for choosing MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding.

By engaging with the services provided by MTNBlaze Merchandise and Branding, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms outlined in this agreement. We're excited to embark on this creative journey together and set your brand ablaze! Should you have any questions or concerns along the way, feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team. Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities, and we're here to ensure a seamless and rewarding collaboration. Let's make your brand shine!

Caution sign denoting a lightning bolt suggesting that we are in the business of sparking potent designs.  Elevate your brand with our expert services in apparel design and custom merchandise. Our skilled team specializes in graphic design, crafting custom products and product mockups that seamlessly blend creativity and functionality. From textile design to print design, we offer creative solutions tailored to enhance your brand's visual identity. Dive into the world of e-commerce with our strategic approach, and let us bring your fashion concepts to life. We pride ourselves on our expertise in branding, delivering custom artwork and social media content that captivates your audience. Located in Cary, NC, our small business design approach ensures personalized attention to detail throughout the design workflow. Partner with us for visual storytelling that goes beyond the ordinary, and experience the impact of creative strategy and effective client management on your brand's success.
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